Immediate sense of well-being and subtle wonder
LANDO collaborates with internationally renowned designers to create elements with a minimal and material flavour, understated and elegant, perfectly in line with the LANDO style. Sophisticated proportions, balanced colours and dreamily shaped objects awaken the senses and reconnect with the furnishing space.
Telemaco ha sempre avuto rispetto dell’arte del costruire, recuperando l’antica sapienza artigiana e valorizzandola attraverso un’equilibrata ed essenziale reinterpretazione, dando vita a prodotti inimitabili capaci di tramandare uno stile che possa durare nel tempo perché fondato sulla memoria storica.

Fabrizio Gallinaro
His field of activity is not limited to industrial design, but also covers architecture and interior design, developing projects in the residential, commercial and interior design sectors not only in Italy but also internationally with projects in Russia, Algeria, Spain and France.